The internet has an abundance of raw data on private companies, but only PreIPO INTELLI™ aggregates it in a way that is easily digestible and actionable.
Not your average summaries on trending private companies, covering topics such as "predictions" or "what the haters would say."
Lightning-Fast Analysis
Get access to instant data on companies, and access to full, detailed PreIPO INTELLI™ data reports within 24 hours of tracking a company.
Track sentiments & trends
Measure what matters with PreIPO INTELLI's sentiment tracker and trends analysis. Find out what the rest of the web is saying about a company via a real-time dashboard.
Push Notifications
PreIPO INTELLI™ sends you push notifications when there is a large change, either positive or negative, on a company you're tracking so you don't miss out on any critical news.
How is PreIPO INTELLI™ Different?
We don't compete with or replace pricey raw data providers such as Crunchbase, Pitchbook, or CB Insights. Instead, we augment these resources for investors with elements that allow you to get a holistic view of the company as well as the rest of the world's sentiments.
Pitchbook / Crunchbase
$20K+ /year
Though private market data can be derived from these expensive subscriptions, that's all it truly is: pricey raw data.
CB Insights | Starting at
$50K+ /year
More pricey raw data, with high-level market analytics. Ideal for those that can afford another similar tool.
Up to$279 /year
Provides you raw data enhanced with sentiments, trends, RSS, & other powerful data resources for investors.