What Is Secondary Private Equity: A Guide for Investors

What Is Secondary Private Equity: A Guide for Investors

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5 min read
Date Published: 
May 10, 2023

Fun fact: The private equity secondary market was created by Dayton Carr, the founder of Venture Capital Fund of America (VCFA Group), in 1982. After purchasing his business partner's shares and achieving a favorable return on investment, Carr realized the need for a marketplace where investors could trade pre-existing private equity commitments. His pioneering efforts set the stage for the growth and evolution of the secondary market as we know it.

Today, just over four decades later, these investment deals push record volumes as the private equity industry matures. Secondary investing has become a powerful avenue for financiers looking to optimize their portfolios, diversify their holdings, and generate attractive returns.

Let’s take a closer look.

What is Secondary Private Equity Investing?

Secondary investing refers to the buying and selling of pre-existing investor commitments to private equity funds and other alternative investment vehicles in the secondary market.

In simple terms, it involves the transfer of ownership from one party to another after the initial capital has been invested. These transactions may involve the purchase of limited partnership (LP) interests in private equity funds, direct investments in private companies, or portfolios of assets held by institutional investors.

Primary vs. Secondary Markets

While private equity investments occur in both primary and secondary markets, the two are differentiated by the nature of the transaction and the stage at which they occur.

In the primary market, investors make initial investments in private companies. This involves providing capital to support the growth and expansion of these companies. Primary transactions typically take place through private equity funds or direct investments.

In contrast, the secondary market revolves around the buying and selling of pre-existing private equity investments. In this market, investors trade their ownership stakes in private companies with other investors, allowing them to exit their investments before the anticipated exit event, such as an initial public offering (IPO) or acquisition. This brings up our next point…

Benefits of Secondary Private Equity Investing

In 2022, global secondary transaction volume surpassed $100 billion for the second year in a row despite a looming economic recession. Here are some of the reasons why this market is increasingly attractive to investors.

1. Risk Mitigation and Due Diligence

Secondary private equity investing provides investors with the opportunity to enter into investments that have already demonstrated growth potential, established track records, and proven management teams.

Investors have the opportunity to review historical performance, assess the underlying assets and liabilities, and evaluate the management team's track record. This additional information enables more informed investment decisions and reduces uncertainty.

2. Flexibility to Customize Investment Strategies

The fact that these companies are already on their growth trajectory also gives investors a level of selectivity that enables targeted allocation of capital.

This empowers them to have a more deliberate approach to their private equity investments, focusing on industries or sectors that align their portfolio with specific goals, preferences, and risk appetite.

3. Portfolio Optimization and Diversification

Speaking of portfolios, one of the significant benefits of secondary private equity investing is the ability to optimize and diversify investment portfolios.

Investors and investment professionals strive to build portfolios that balance risk and return, and the private equity secondary market allows them to choose investments in various industries, stages of development, or geographic regions, effectively spreading their risk and potential rewards across a broader range of opportunities.

4. Potential for Quicker Returns

The advantage of entering into investments at a more advanced stage of development is that the companies have already established revenue streams, positive cash flows, and proven business models.

Investors can start receiving cash flows, distributions, or exit events sooner than if they were to put their money into primary private equity opportunities.

5. Enhanced Market Efficiency

Finally, the secondary private equity market contributes to the efficiency of the private equity market as a whole.

In the primary market, private equity investments are typically illiquid and involve long-term commitments, which can limit investors' ability to access their capital when needed. However, the secondary market offers a solution by creating a venue for investors to sell their existing private equity stakes to other interested buyers.

This liquidity contributes to a robust market as investors have greater confidence knowing they have the option to exit their positions when necessary.

Risks and Considerations for Secondary Private Equity Investing

As with all investment ventures, there are also important considerations to make:

1. Liquidity and Timing Risks

Despite the presence of a growing market, secondary equity investments may still face liquidity challenges. The timing of exit opportunities and the availability of buyers can impact the ability to sell investments at desired prices.

2. Challenges of Information and Due Diligence

The private equity secondary market operates with less transparency than the primary market. There may be limited public information or industry benchmarks available to evaluate the fair value of a privately-held company or fund, adding complexity to the valuation and due diligence process.

3. Potential Conflicts of Interest

With multiple parties involved, including fund managers, investors, intermediaries, and other stakeholders, conflicts of interest often arise during transaction negotiations and execution. This is particularly true if parties have different objectives or access to privileged information.

4. Regulatory and Legal Considerations

Secondary private equity investments are subject to regulatory and legal considerations that vary across jurisdictions.

Investors should learn about securities laws, anti-money laundering regulations, and other frameworks governing secondary market transactions.

Become a Secondary Investor

Ready to explore the private equity secondary market? PreIPO® is here to help.

Our trusted and secure platform provides a seamless experience for investors looking to participate in secondary market opportunities, making your investment journey efficient and hassle-free.

Take the next step. Join the PreIPO® platform today to unlock access to global secondary private equity opportunities in carefully vetted companies.

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